
The information provided by Five Stones Therapy, LLC on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. No therapeutic or professional relationship is established by your review of this material and use of this site. 

Though I am a therapist, I am not your therapist. no diagnosis, treatment, or specific therapeutic advice is being provided to you.

There is no intent for me or this site to offer specific psychological or medical advice to any person. The information contained on this site should only be used by you in consultation with a qualified mental health professional that you engage for consultation and/or treatment.

No guarantees or warranties are made with regard to any information provided by Five Stones Therapy, LLC or me on this site. I take no responsibility for websites, videos, or products hyperlinked by this site, and such hyperlinking does not imply any relationship with Five Stones Therapy, LLC or me or endorsement by me of the linked sites.

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